Mother Earth Environmental Services
Our Mission
Our mission is to remediate, strengthen, and preserve the health of Mother Earth. Respect for our planet begins with our community members. Our community contains everything to appreciate: our grasslands, forests, waterbodies, and every animal we share them with. The natural world is what sustains us; therefore, it is us that should ensure our ways of life are sustainable.
Our Projects

Remediation of Abandoned Wellsites
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Detailed Site Assessments (DSAs), and groundwater monitoring of abandoned Oilsands Verification (OV) wellsites are conducted as the focus of our partnership with WSP E&I Canada Limited to investigate and remediate contaminated sites. Fieldwork, research, and report writing are conducted as part of a complete and thorough environmental investigation. Soil samples and groundwater samples are taken and analyzed for levels of contamination at the abandoned wellsites, followed by groundwater monitoring over the years to come. Vegetation assessments are also conducted, followed by revegetation efforts and monitoring.
Community Lake Study
Mother Earth has secured funding through the Aquatic Habitat Restoration Fund managed by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Terrestrial Cumulative Effects Initiative managed by Natural Resources Canada and (NRCan) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and has partnered with WSP E&I Canada Limited to conduct a community lake study that is now underway. In recent years, community member have raised concern about the quality of our three lakes: Goodfish Lake, Whitefish Lake, and Wayetenaw Lake. Community Elders and members were interviewed to gain insight on their first-hand experiences regarding fishing, hunting, and gathering within the community. Water levels, water quality, algae presence, fish health, fish population levels, and litter were all identified as the areas of major concern. Within our study, we aim to sample the water, soil, air, and fish for further investigation. Historical data will also be studied to observe changes in the lakes’ conditions over time.
Box 273
Goodfish Lake, AB T0A 1R0
Phone: 780 636 2863
Fax: 780 636 2299
Rebecca Zalaski
Mobile: 780 614 3506